Fill this out IN YOUR OWN WORDS and repost as, "My autobiography"
1.Where did you take your default pic?
um. outside
2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
blue shirt and jeans
3.What is your current problem?
4.What makes you most happy?
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
untitled- Wecamewithbrokenteeth.....yay grindcore
6.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
7.Do you ever watch MTV?
8.What's something that really annoys you?
stupid people
Chapter 1:
1.Middle name (names): hannah
2.Nickname(s): none
3.Current location: ama.
4.Eye color: green
Chapter 2
1.Do you live with your parents: yes
2.Do you get along with your parent(s)?: yea
3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced: married
4.Do you have any Siblings?: a brother
Chapter 3: favorite...
1. Ice Cream: cheesecake from marble slab..or coldstone..both are good
2. Season: Fall
3. Shampoo/conditioner: herbal esscence
Chapter 4:
1. Dance in the shower: seriously if i did that...i would fall
2. Write on your hand: When I need to remember something
3. Call people back: most of the time
4. Believe in love: Yes
5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed: at first..but i wake up in some random place in my bed.
6. Any bad habits: mhmmhm
7. Any mental health issues? nope
Chapter 5: Have You...
1. Broken a bone: my toe
2. Sprained stuff: yes
3. Had physical therapy?: no
4. Gotten stitches: yes
5. Taken painkillers: yes
6. Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: i get to this year in AP aquatic science. its fuckin cool.
7. Been stung by a bee: no
8. Thrown up at the dentist: no..?
9. Sworn in front of your parents:
10. Had detention: not in a long time
11. Been sent to the principal's office: not for being in trouble...
12. Been called a hoe? haha not seriously
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last
1. Movie(s): silent hill..we rented it the other day
2. Person to text you?: i dont know probably hailey
3. Person you called: my dad
4. Person you hugged? ummmm.....i dont know
5. Person you tackled?: haha i dont think ive ever tackled anyone.
6. Thing you touched?: keyboard.
7. Thing you ate?: fried rice
8. Thing you drank?: water
9. Thing you said?: damn phone
10. Friend you haven't seen in a while: nathan
survey number 2.
Blah blah blahs
DOB: december 20, 1988
Height: 5'6
Weight: fat lol
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Jeans size: too big.
Shoe size: 10
Dad's name: dad
Mom's name: mom
Siblings? How many? 1
Brother(s) name(s): matt
Sister(s) name(s): --
Parents still married to eachother? Yes
What's your dad's job? physical therapist
What's your mom's job? none.
Do you get along with your parents? yes
Do you get along with your sibling(s)? haha not always
Who do you clash with most? my brother
Who do you get along with most? dad
Absolute best friend in the world above all others: aaron k. even though we rarely see eachother
Other close friends: they know who they are
Funniest friend: isaiah.
Most laid back friend: hailey
Smartest friend: not sure
Most talented friend: ha...i dunno
Most trustworthy: hailey, aaron, emme
Most untrustworthy: Rather not say
Biggest attitude: hmmmm
Nicest: i dunno..
Loudest: isaiah
Friend who's always got your back: emme and hailey
Fairweather friend(s): one
Friend most like yourself: hailey.
Color: green, turqoise
Food: seafood
Clothing brand: i dont know?
Store: delias
Drink: green tea
Movie: garden state
TV Show: House, Grey's Anatomy
Song: i dont have one
Singer: lskhfalsdjhfa
Band: dont have one
State: texas
Day of the week: thursday and friday
Ice cream flavor: cheesecake.
School subject: art
Sport to watch: footbal
Sport to play: none
Sport you wish you could play:
Sport you like to play but really suck at:
Animal: kitty
Weather: not fucking oven-ish.
Season: fall
Month: september-november
Number: 19746634353546757567634
The Good Stuff
Are you straight/bi/gay/unsure? straight
Are you dating anybody? no
What's his/her name? --
Hair color?
Eye color?
How long have you been together?
Who asked who out first?
Have you had sex?
If no, do you want to? ....
What do you like most about this person?
What do you like least about this person?
What's one thing you'd like to tell this person but can't?
Last lie you told this person?
Is it love?
Is it convenient?
Do you have a crush on someone other than the person you're dating?
Have you ever been intimate with that person?
What do you like most about that person? --
Why aren't you with that person? --
Do they know you like them? --
Ever wanted to kiss someone of the same sex as you?
Are you a virgin? yes
If yes, do you wish you weren't?
PDA: good or bad? depends...
Would you sleep with an ugly person just because you heard they were good? LMFAO. no.
The Hard Stuff
Are you generally a happy or sad person? happy
Are you generally an angry person or a laid back person? laid back. angry when im driving pecause people are fucking stupid. and i hate stupid people.
Is there something about your personality that you wish you could change? not really
If yes, what is it? --
Do you use alcohol to escape your problems? no
Drugs? no
Do you have any unhealthy addictions? nope
Have you ever had a serious injury? no
Was it an accident or did someone else do it to you?
Why did they do it?
What's your biggest fear? i dunno
Are you scared of anyone? no
If yes, who? ...
What about this person scares you? ...
Are you a violent person? nope
Have you ever hit an innocent person out of anger and regretted it later? nope
Is there domestic violence in your family? no
Have you ever been abused (sexually, physically, and/or emotionally)? no
If yes, did you tell anybody? ...
What was the result? ...
Do you have a secret? who doesnt?
Do you wish you could tell someone this secret? nope
If yes, why haven't you? --
Has anyone close to you died? no
Has anyone close to you been attacked?
Has anyone close to you had a disease?
Have you had/do you have a disease?
If yes, what is it? ...
Do you ever scare yourself?
If yes, why? ...
Do you love yourself?
What is your BMI (body mass index)? too much.
Do you wish you were skinnier? YES
Ever done something that you knew was wrong? um..not really
Do you have any big regrets? not so much
Do you want to live to be 80? yes
The Safe Stuff
Are you religious? somewhat
Do you want to get married someday? yes
Do you want kids? not sure
Do you want to go to college? yes
If yes, what major? dunno
What do you want to be when you grow up? not sure
Where do you want to live? i dunno
Money, fame, or happiness? all of the above :)
Would you rather be blind or deaf? neither
Would you rather be hot and unhappy or ugly and happy? fuck that shit.
What are you wearing right now? clothes
What are you going to do tomorrow? go to school
If you could be with one person right now, who would it be? your mom
Did any of my questions make you uncomfortable? I deleted a bunch of them
Did you answer all of the ones that applied to you? ha no
If no, then why? because im lazy and deleted the ones i didnt feel like doing
Were you honest? yep
Are you going to let anyone else read this survey? yes
If so, will you tell them I said hi? HIIIIIII
Are you glad this is over? dont even care
Will you miss me? no. i wont. fuck off.
survey number 3
Name: Errin
Nicknames: none
Birthplace: kansas
Current Location: texas
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: green
Height: 5'6
Weight: fatass
Tatoos?: none yet
Piercings?: 2 conch in my right ear and soon to be a triple orbital. i win.
Overused Phrase: fuck, nigger, damn...the usual lol
Bedtime: 10-11
Best Physical Feature: eyes
Most Embarassing Moment: too many...i suck at life
Most Missed Memory: :) its complicated and im too lazy to type it
Best Friends: they know
Goal For The Year: graduate
Greatest Fears: failure and lonliness
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke... tea
McDonalds or Burger King... i dont eat fast food unless im desperate
Hot Tea or Ice Tea... both
Chocolate or Vanilla... chocolate
Water or Milk... both
Coffee or Hot Chocolate... both
Hugs or Kisses... both
Cats or Dogs... cats
Summer or Winter... winter
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies... both
Love or Money... both
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes... purple
Perferred Eye Color: doesnt matter
Perferred Hair Color: doesnt matter
Short Hair or Long Hair... not long but not short...
Perferred Height: taller than me
Perferred Weight: doesnt matter
Looks or Personality... personality
Hot or Cute... doesnt matter
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat... skinny but not gross-skinny
Number: 5479098492
Food: seafood
Type of Music: grindcore..
Candy: starbursts
Color: turquoise
Animal: kitty
Drink: green tea
Body Part on the Opposite Sex: ha..hipbones.
Movie: garden state
Past Time: myspace.
--Have You Ever--
Drank? yes
Smoked? no
Been Beaten Up? nope
Bullied Someone? no
Skinny Dipped? no
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven? nah
Toliet Papered Someones House? too lazy
Played Poker W/ Money? I dont know how to play poker
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt? no. wait yes. haha.
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried? yes
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldnt Talk? yes
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt? yesssssssss
Went Camping? yes
Used The Restroom On A Tree? only when i absolutely have too
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend? no.
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister? no
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella? yes
Danced In The Rain? yes
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny? lol probably
Been On Stage? yes
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of? yes
Been To A Nude Beach? nah
Cursed In Church? no
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone? no
Burnt Yourself? yes
Been Dumped? yes
Dumped Someone? no
Been In Love? no
Been Hit On by Someone To Old? stared at but not hit on
Wanted To Be A Model? i wish.
Wanted To Be In The Olympics? ha no
Bought Lottery Tickets? not 18.
Made Out In A Car? no
Cried During A Movie? yes
Wanted Something You Couldnt Have? yes
Made Love On The Beach? no
Shoplifted? no
Seen Someone Shoplift? no
Hung Up On Someone? yes
Yelled At Your Pet? yes
Gotten Seasick? no
Tried To Strip When Drunk? HAHA no
Bought A Thong Cuz The Cashier Was Hot? no
Stalked Someone? no
Had A Stalker? no
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them? no
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family? yes.
Felt Bad About Eating Meat? no
Protested? no
Been To An Island? no
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do? yes
Screamed In A Library? no
Made Out W/ A Stranger? no
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single? no
Wished A Part Of You Was Different? yes...not fat
Talked To A Complete Stranger? no
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered? once
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts? yes
Threw Up In School? not since i was little
Recieved A Love Letter That Wasnt Signed? no
Wore Something You Hated? uhh...probably when i was little
Wore Something To Match Someone? no
Been To A Luau? no
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents? yes
Been On TV? no
Been Outta The Country? no
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk? yes
Won A Pool Game? no
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One? UGH yes..a few times its so freakin boring.
Went To School/ Work Drunk? no
Dieted? yes
Had An Eating Disorder? no
Cheated On Your Other? no
Been Cheated On? no
Been Paid To Date Someone? no
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You? no
Tanned Topless? a tanning bed not outside.
Been Strip Searched? no
Been On A Plane? no
Been On A Cruise? no
Been Pantsed In Public? HAHA sarah tried to when i wore a skirt one day...
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone? yes
Broke Someone's Heart? not that i can think of
Sung In The Shower? yes
Bought Something Way To Expensive? yes
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself? yes
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing? kind of. i wasnt naked though.
Been Walked In On While Showering? not really...just people try to talk to my while in in there and i cant hear so i usually just ignore them and ask what they wanted when im done
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared? no
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store? no
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart? no
Been In Detention? no
Fell Off A Roof? no
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone? no
Been In A Wreck? no
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal? no
Made Yourself Puke So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School? nope
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun? haha no
Been Shot? no
Had A Water Gun War? yes
Been Arrested? no
Regret Something You Did In The Past? not really
Country You Wanna Visit: france
Way You Wanna Die: I don't know
Like Thunderstorms? yes
Get Along W/ Your Parents? yes
R U A Health Freak? sometimes
U Think Ur Attractive? nope
Do You Believe In Yourself? usually
Wanna Get Married? yes
Wanna Go To College? yes
Shower Daily? no
Want Kids? maybe
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity? i dunno?
Do U Hate Anyone? eh
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue? no
Do You Think You Can Sing? no
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater? yes
Eat Whatever And Not Worry? i wish
Can You Whistle? yes
Can You Walk In High Heels? not very well lol
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On? no it has to be really dark or i cant sleep
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods? nooooo
Can You Multitask? yes
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue? no
Can You Fit In Your Locker? nope our lockers are really small
Do You Spit? no
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke? yes
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish? to be really skinny
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear? DKNY - be delicious.
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use? dove
What's Your Favorite Scent? mine lol
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could? no.