Apr 25, 2010 17:14
Probably shoulda posted this before. Didn't care to. I barely touch or even look at LJ anymore.
But we need to move, dude I've been renting from, his parents are selling the place and we gotta go. I'm trying to rent some place along with the other folks who lived here since they're nice folks, we get along, all that fun stuff. But i'm worried they won't be able to find a place and i'll have to crash at a friend's for a while. It's a good friend though, and all, but I know his place isn't really in a condition to be taking me in for long.
I tried posting on the Washington furs list, when I first found out, but no one really responded then. The one dude who did, we never managed to find anything that'd work for us both and his landlord flaked out on renting to me so that option's out too.
I'm panicking a little I guess. I trust 'em to try and find a place suitable to us all but if they don't I don't know that I'll be able to get it together enough to find a place myself. I'm tired of all this bouncing around, too, but there's not much I can do until the low income housing whatsit comes through, and god knows when that'll happen. could be a few months, it could be 5 years or longer.