Faceless and Faced

Feb 02, 2006 13:45

This is something I wrote to someone ... which captures some stuff that sledgehammered my brain over lunch ...

This is here because it was easier than digging out my journal ... ain't the work weird?

Anyway ... don't expect you to follow it all because it's way out of context ...

What might help is if you know that one of the books in the top of my current reading pile is "Why Christianity Must Change or Die" by John Shelby Spong ... and he usually is preaching to the choir when I read him ... but today ... end of Chapter 4 was a *catylist* ...

And I'm a Mystic, Pervert Phuk ... and I'm used to folks *not getting this* ... so no worries ...

Begin "note to self":

And the reason I don't throw Paul out completely (much as I would sometimes like to) ... OK, one of the reasons. Now and again when he pulled his head out of his ass he said some *ASTOUNDING* things.

(Do you have any idea what it's like to grow up with two letters written to you by him before you were born? Do you have any idea what kind of ribbing you can get from good Lutherans about being named for a "Greek loved by Paul"????)

Where he and I would differ ... is that I think that both Jesus was The Christ ... and was doing a lot of work to kick everyone in the tail to *be that TOO*.

There me and a lot of folks part company.

Just spend lunch with John Spong ... and had both a really good read ... and on the walk back got drawn up by a fundamental conflict in my God thinking.

I'm holding both "Ground of Being" and personal concepts in my mind.

I believe I"m still a functioning human being because of that which "knew me in the womb, drew me forth, and walks with me still". And that thing which is "older than God" ... they aren't exactly compatible.

I'm consoling myself that I'm running into the boxes that I've built for God again (when they get that *big* it's easy to forget they're still boxes ... ) and that when God starts kicking the box down from the inside is usually a sign (like rolling thunder in the distance) that I'm near a new enlightenment ... and major life changes.

Which brings me to Rilke ...

Are you keeping up?
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