Aug 17, 2007 19:41
One of the guys at work is trying to headhunt me for some project thing he's working on outside his regular job. Details are very light and so far all I know is that it would be some sort of web-based promoting thing. I'm not even sure what capacity my coworker is trying to headhunt me for, it was more along the lines of "hey if you want to earn some extra money, we're looking for hard-working intelligent etc etc people to work on this unspecified project, come to a briefing/business pitch on Sunday!". Anyway, my curiosity has kicked in and it could be an amazing learning thingo for me if it works out so looks like I'll be going to the briefing.
Motivation; that's what I've been missing so far this semester. The pace in my Linguistics subjects is too slow to make me feel pressured, so I've been falling into my old bad habits of wasting entire days/weeks and then feeling crap about myself because I've done so little work, so a side job of some sort would be good for me in that sense too, forcing me to get my act together.
Watch this space for new developments :)
an interesting proposition,