things, stuff, etc

May 10, 2007 21:45

You know you've been working at Coles too long when:
a) You know where every item is on the shelves down to exact locations
b) You're so used to Indian accents that ,after seeing a film where all the actors spoke in strong Indian accents and your Indo friend who saw it with you complained that they were too hard to understand, you find yourself slightly bemused because to you all the accents were clear as crystal
c) All of the above

So yeh, tonight I went to see The Namesake with Ronald. All I knew going in was that it was Indian and it had won awards or something. Well turns out both of these were slightly wrong; It follows Bengali people and it was based on a prize-winning novel as opposed to being prizewinning itself. It's a slow-paced story that mostly deals with the anomie (heh, I love Linguistics for teaching me this word. Basically it's when you find yourself torn between two identities) of being both Bengali and American. I guess I identify partly because I have the same kind of relationship with my Jewishness.

In other news, there's someone who I sorta know who's driving me crazy at the moment. Not in a bad way or a good way, just.. a way. The reason is because they remind me so strongly of my ex that it's slightly freaky. In fact it's people like this that make me believe that MBTI is a good tool for seeing people with, because this person is practically a clone of my ex, just from a different angle. Even down to a lot of the little mannerisms which you would swear were a unique personality quirk except that I've now seen the same quirks in two different people. Meh.

How good is it when you go to a restaurant for a quick dinner before the movie and sit down and order, right. And then they accidentally take your dish to the table behind you, who think it's their dish and promptly eat it. So then your dish takes ages to arrive, except it's not really your dish, it belongs to the table behind you. And then the waitresses waste another 5 minutes of your time having a conversation about how to deal with them stuffing up the orders. Grrr.

At work there's exactly one person who I would really consider a friend. And that person just got offered a grad job. Sigh. I'm happy that he's made something of himself but obviously it does rather suck for me.


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