grab bag o' randomness

Apr 18, 2007 23:04

i've been reading a lot of beyond_babylon stuff the past few days. specifically the "weird period" in b/j's relationship, you know, then brian goes to ny and he and justin make up, yadda yadda, etc. it's my favorite storyline, and pretty much the only one i can remember. it's making me want to read the whole thing over again.

speaking of fic, i read all the entries in qaf_challenges. i've posted a link to my favorites, in case you want to check them out. the authors were just revealed this evening, so sorry, no anonymity for you.
half the world is sleeping a few years after 122, i think.
justin goes to dartmouth, brian goes to new york. i'm not so sure i believe brian would move to new york while justin was still in his post-bashing coma, but other than that i really, really enjoyed this. it's a two-parter, but the second part hasn't been posted yet.

the lights are no longer flashing post-513
brian overdoses, on purpose. i'm not so sure i believe he'd do that at this time, but i love this fic regardless.

teamwork 413/414 au
justin joins brian in the liberty bike ride. i like this one as much as i like her other fics. which is to say, they're not fantastic, but i do enjoy them.

unsaid 307-311 au
a different way that b/j get back together. not great, but worth a read, i think.

without you mid-510 au
again, a different way that b/j get back together. this one is AMAZING, holy crap. i almost wish this had happened instead of what actually does, and that never happens. read it!

what the boy scouts taught me 413/414 au
again, justin joins brian on the liberty bike ride, they get lost. not as good as the other of this arc, but still enjoyable.

sweetness follows post-510 au
michael isn't seriously injured, brian brings justin back to the loft. a little, um, too much for me, but i guess it kind of fits with how brian was feeling.

what matters now mid-s4 au
justin has cancer instead of brian, wip. i really like it, and i'm looking forward to more.

you know what's kind of crazy? i saw gale's episode of law and order: svu before i even knew who he was. when i watched it purposely, to look for him, about halfway through i realized i'd already seen that episode before. it's funny i didn't remember, because surely i would have noticed the most attractive man i'd ever seen staring back at me from my tv screen. although, gale did look...different, in that episode. not really like himself, and it's not just the glasses. his hair was kind of, no thank you. doesn't stop me from wanting to watch it, though.

okay, something that really irritates me, is people who say that cowlip got it wrong, and they read fic that "fixes" what happened on the show. specifically, the finale. i don't get how people can say that what happened on the show is wrong. it can't be wrong, it's cannon! the writers, the people who created the show, are the ones who decided what should happen; it's not possible that they got it wrong. it's their creation; there is no right or wrong, you know? it is what it is. i mean, i can understand why people would say that, if they're unhappy with the ending or find it somehow inappropriate, but still. it's not a test; it's not like brian and justin's relationship was supposed to achieve a certain level and cl failed to get them there. cl (or the other writers, but cl have the final say) decide what happens, and then it happens. um, i don't mean to offend anyone. anyway.

if you'd like to participate in the once you're drunk it's like, you're drunk party, please go here and fill out the poll.

also, stolen from
MS Paint Meme Rules:
1. Comment here and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint.
2. You have no say in what I draw for you, or in how much it will suck!
3. Put this in your journal along with the pictures people drew for you (or, you know, not).

here are my drawings from the last time i did it, if you want to see what you're getting into ;)

now i'm off to watch particles of truth!

this is the real world, my skilz, meme me up scotty, gale harold, fic recs

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