happy birthday,
you're one of my closest friends on lj, i'm so glad i met you! i love your fangirliness, and your love for b/j, and everything. you're thirty! just don't celebrate the way brian did :P and now, a picspam of epic proportions, just for you. (
a few of your favorite scenes )
Really I was - I looked at this an hour ago and it's probably because I'm old and decrepit queasy and way more emo than usually I should be, but somewhere down the road, after looking at the ice cream hotness and the major squee/sweetnees alert that is 203 I was a big sobbing mess - here lies SMS, killed by the 314 B/J love - what a way to go lol
These two guys will so be the end of me sometime... and it probably won't be an angsty picspam, but a happy one that will finally do me in *big sap* ;)
OK, I'm trying to gather my thoughts and stop the rambly OMG-i-can't-believe-you-did-this-and-it-must-have-taken-forfuckingever-to-post-this-and-I-love-the-caps-so-much-i'd-marry-them-if-i-wasn't-feeling-i-was-cheating-on-you-in-the-process-not-that-we-were-engaged-or-anything-and why the fuck aren't we btw kind of ramblings that will unvariably turn into another frikking sob squeefest.
So, first of all, THANK YOU so much, Lauren ♥ ♥ ♥
Then, and much more importantly :P:P:P OMG it's so much B/J!!! So you cannot expect me to be coherent, can you?? Well, you could, but it wouldn't get you anywhere EG
I think the best thing about the ice cream kisses - apart from the hotness and them smiling, and omg Brian!smile and Justin!tongue and omfg Brian!tongue *comes* is the look Brian gives Justin in that scene. The cap where Justin's nose comes into view again for the first time - that look kills me deaddeddead. And smiling BJ are the best anyway (not that the naked was hurting in any way, hee)
203 is so squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-worthy - best summed up in the stomach, the underwear, the from-behind hug...oh the love. Sooo true. And then "When my boy walks down the street" *points to first 'dead from teh squeee' comment*
See, and then I'm starting to tear up again *blames stupid booze* cause the two of them on the stairs outside of Woody's are just sooooo in love, and Brian's look, THE look, not only is sigh-worthy, but makes me squee like two fifteen-year-old fangirls, and then cry, and then smile, and then squee some more.
And Jen - omg!!! Will need own icon for my Jen love... wait...
it's the look of love! i always smile and squee and just in general act like a fangirl at that part.
i finally got one! coming next...
die happy, that's the way to go. die from justin's tailbone, from hand holding, hugging, kissing, being affectionate (and in public, no less, and not backroom public), being IN LOVE...'tis a lot to handle.
ha, it did take a while, but it's enjoyable work. and you're worth it :D if you're with b/j, i won't count that as cheating ;) i'd get engaged to you except i don't believe in love, i believe in fucking. of course it's different with you ;)
you are so very welcome! ♥ ♥ ♥
i expect nothing less than incoherency from so much b/j :D
YES. omg yes. the way he's looking up at him is so, i don't even know, but i love it. smiling while naked, and with ice cream, now that = extreme yumminess ;)
those scenes are so much love, i just, die. dead from squee.
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