Feb 27, 2005 12:25
when you have a job, and you're used to getting money, then don't for awhile, you start bugging out. i get paid every month. and the checks i got for January and December went towards the Valentine's banquet. so i've barely had any money. and that sucks. and its also the time when people want to hang out with you all the time. when i had money and wanted to hang out, everyone was busy!!!! ::steamed:: >_<....so yeah, my dirty russian wants to see a movie today, yet ::drum roll:: i have no money! bah.... well i was talking to him in a little ditty and it went a little like this, "yeah i still have my movie pass, so we can see a movie" (keep in mind the movie pass admits one) me, "well i have no money because my dad is gone" him, "oh ok, we don't have to see a movie we can just do something else, i don't know what else though"....::and scene::.... AHHHHHHHH!! ok, you're a guy, you're my boyfriend,(yes i said boyfriend...i didn't think it would happen either) and you won't pay for me? wow..ok, i don't know why i'm taking this to heart, maybe because i'm always putting out money.
but somehow things work out for the greater good.
i went to my little cousin's birthday party last night. it was so much fun. it was just another reason to have a family get-together. i have new cousins!! my cousin got re-married and she has kids. i got weird vibes from her..i don't know why or how to explain it but i did...it's kinda like she didn't mesh much with our family vibes or something. i'm not saying she's a bad person but it was just weird ::shudder::. my whole family is crazy, which explains me... from the "octave-lower-phone greeter-man voice" to insane impersonations and voicings...fun times. "you smell good, you look good everything's good" ::while doing insane fonzie-on-crack hand gestures::
i just realized everything looks better in black and white
i love photography, and i've been taking pictures like crazy since i got a new camera (film). and these pictures turned out so well. i'll have to post them up somehow, i still don't know how to work livejournal that well. they were from the valentine's banquet. it sort of looked like it was from another era. anywho i'm going to end this now. toodleloo ::hats down::.....::and scene::