S1 Gilmore Girls with wee baby!Jared is on. OMG he's so adorable and baby-faced!! ♥
Today I went to the dentist to have a couple of small cavities filled. My bottom lip and jaw are both numb (one cavity on each side, naturally) but I did manage not to drool all over myself at the office when I went to rinse my mouth out, so I'm counting it as a win. Also, I got to leave work an hour early. You know you hate you're job when you're all, "I get to leave early to go to the dentist for fillings! HOORAY!!"
My weekend was most excellent, internets, which resulted in a groggy and hung-over Monday for me. Kassie and Amber came down, ostensibly to get some stuff that Kassie still had at the house, but as far as I'm concerned it was to kick it one last time in Nashvegas before I move away. We had a good time and the house is all sad and empty without them. :(
Among the other things, I made them watch the last four episodes of S4 SPN, the gag reels and tricked them into a
SAMANDDEANesque Bon Jovi sing-along. I instigated several lengthy discussions about Show, where it started and where it's headed. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT, OKAY? I am an awesome friend and beloved by all for my gracious and charming hostess skills. Though, in my defense, all of my DVDs aside from SPN are packed up already.
We also talked about Wincon and I AM EXCITE!!!
You know what else I'm excited about? The impending new season of SPN. OMG, I LOVE this time of TV year. It's so full of ~possibility~ I'm so excited that I made a S1-S5 playlist on my ipod. It has 66 songs. Yes, I do amuse myself. Why do you ask?
Speaking of ipods, I found my old ipod (like one of the first generation ones) that had crapped out on my a couple years ago. So I thought, "Well, maybe I should see if I can reset it now..." and I did and it worked! \o/ I am very pleased about this indeed. I had to restore the original settings, so everything that was on it was wiped clean, but since I couldn't access it anyway, that was no big loss.
I had to rename it, too, so I named it Alot of Music because
the thought amused me. What would a music!Alot look like?
Also, for future reference (a future in which I have money),
she has a store. DO WANT ALL THE THINGS!! I mean, c'mon, how have I lived this long without
this shirt in my life?
Anyway, I have to get back to packing and sorting all the things, and
this post is very relevant to my life right now. I'm starting to worry that there's a Hyperbole and a Half for everything in my life, and I'm not sure whether to be delighted or creeped out by the idea. I'm going with delighted.
UGH, numb lip is numb!