I am feeling very out-of-sorts with the world at large today. I blame the lack of sunshine. This is not what I signed on for, Tennessee. You're on notice.
However, I did get some good news this afternoon (if it does, in fact, come to pass) so I'm feeling cautiously optimistic.
Brezsnyscope for this week is as follows:
ARIES (March 21-April 19): "Hate leaves ugly scars," wrote author Mignon
McLaughlin, but "love leaves beautiful ones." If I'm reading the
astrological omens correctly, Aries, you're scheduled to receive at least
one of the beautiful kind of scars in the coming months -- maybe even
two or three. In fact, I think they'll be such lovely booboos that they will
markedly add to your overall attractiveness. Rarely if ever have you been
privileged to hurt as good as you will in 2010 -- thanks to the benevolent
jolts of love. Happy Valentine Daze!
Ahahahhaha, I'm so LAME. Whatever.
Also, thanks to
serialkarma for the heads up on this:
Uniporn. So horrifying and delightful, I can't look away...