Home with my internets!

Aug 10, 2009 21:33

I am home again, finally. Managed to write a little bit while I was gone, but nothing too exciting. Mostly I did a lot of letting my parents spoil me a little. (A lot? I came home with an extra suitcase full of new clothes...) And slept with the window open. I'd forgotten how brilliant this is.

My parents have this fancy theater room with a projector thing and a screen that pulls down from the ceiling and it is pretty freaking awesome. Cue my realization halfway through the second movie we watched: How fucking awesome would it be to watch SPN in there? WHY DID I NOT BRING MY DVDS? I will not make this mistake the next time I go home. I will bring my dvds and gorge myself on GIGANTIC SAMANDDEAN AND CASTIEL. This is my plan, for sure.

I should go to bed, but I suspect what I will do is putter around for awhile, accomplishing nothing but staying up late enough to be cranky and tired tomorrow at work. At least I know myself?

There were other things that I wanted to mention. Hrm. Oh! My mom gave me a pair of jeans that she bought for herself but were too long. As these things go, I can spend an entire fruitless day shopping for jeans, trying on every cut imaginable and come away with nothing but anger and frustration. The pair my mom offhandedly gives me fit like awesome and look fan-freaking-tastic.

Also, at one point my dad hooked his computer up to the tv, so I made my parents watch Cory Branan videos on the youtubes. Specifically this video, which everyone should watch because it's an example of why Cory is fucking brilliant:

image Click to view

My dad said he liked this song, which made me feel very personally pleased for whatever reason. As if I have somehow accomplished something. Whatever.

Misha's twitters the other day made me laugh and daydream about crazy on-set antics, which I am too lazy to type up now. Oh, but I typed them up in chat the other night, because I subject kadiel_krieger to my crazy when she's ridiculous enough to be up at 3 a.m. and available.

me: I totally had an entire scene of nothing spring to mind last night after [the tweets about Kim Jong il] of Jensen reading the tweets and being like, "Really, dude?"

Misha says, "Well, you have forbidden me to speak of our illicit love affair on the twitter. Though it will come out soon enough when Jensen Jr. is born." He rubs his tummy and smiles down at it adoringly.

"Oh, Jesus," Jensen says. "You are not doing a series of twitters about you carrying our secret love child. No way."

Jared joins the conversation at this point, nomming on gummy worms. "Can I be the godfather?"

Misha shakes his head. "I already asked Harley and Sadie to be the godparents."

"Yeah, okay," Jared says like that's fair and Jensen just throws his hands in the air and walks away.

"Daddy loves you," Misha says to his stomach. "He's just having a bad day." He takes a gummy worm when Jared offers it to him, claiming that he is, after all, eating for two.


And with that, I shall go unpack my toiletries and see about
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