HI INTERNETS! Long time and all that!
I have been frantically trying to get all the writing things with deadlines finished. Y'know, by the deadline. Yes, when I was in school I totally wrote all my papers the night before. Why do you ask?
Writing things:
spn_j2_bigbang draft is finished and turned in and accepted!! \o/ I fear it is in need of some epic revisions. Like I really think at the moment it is less awesome and more, "Hey, look at that story you wrote there! I like how you took words and arranged them so that they made sentences!" But I'm not going to worry about it right now because...
spn_cinema has started posting!
maichan808 and I post our Hook fusion collaboration on May 18th, which thankfully gives me some revising time! I am stupidly excited for this!! It's so silly and fun!
I was also tagged for
silverbullets yesterday, and I posted something this morning. I had to pass the first time, so I didn't want to pass again. IDK, after finishing up my BB, I feel a great sense of accomplishment if what I've written isn't completely nonsensical.
So, after a long dry spell of not writing anything, I have written all the things in a fairly short period of time. Why is everything due all at once, dammit?
So, because I was frantically trying to finish my big bang, I didn't watch SPN Friday night. In a fit of responsibility, I was like, "I shall watch it as my reward!" Which I did this afternoon.
BEST. REWARD. EVER! I don't even have words for the amazing keyboardmashing awesomeness of this episode. There was not a single thing that I didn't love! I can't even talk about it! I'm rewatching it right now, all ♥_________________♥
I loved Eve, both original and Mary-flavored!!! She was so effing fantastic!! And Cas! And Sam and Dean's nostalgic moment of 'naw' when they were driving the little boys to their uncle or whatever. ALL THE THINGS! I LOVED ALL THE THINGS!!!
I am not capable of saying smart things right now, but, O. M. G. This fucking show!!! *dreamy sigh of smittenness*
I really am feeling quite punchy and brain-fried right now. I think I need a nap.
How are y'all doing?