I have never wanted to attend a con more. WHAT EVEN? I CAN'T- It is entirely possible my brain short-circuited at the thought. If there is any celebrity I would make an absolute idiot of myself in front of, he'd probably be it.
I'll be over here telling myself that it's best I don't have the means to attend. On the bright side, between this and him filming in Vancouver, there should be lots of fodder for some lovely non-AU RPF in the near future, AMIRITE? Finally the universe is heeding the call of
In other news, I rewatched Faith today. I think if I had to pick a single episode out of the entire series as my favorite, that one would be it. I loved it when it originally aired, and I love it now in the context of the later seasons. There's so much there wrt who Sam and Dean are on a fundamental level, you can see the groundwork for their character development in S4 and S5 especially. There's NOTHING I don't love about that episode.
Possibly one of my favorite things ever is Sam's "Watch me" in response to Dean's "But I’m gonna die. And you can’t stop it." Sam: ORLY? FUCK DEATH! I'M SAM WINCHESTER!! Seriously, it is so quintessentially Sam, stubborn and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to save Dean. And Dean's willingness to (be the first to) die, and all his interactions with Layla, and Sam's snapping back to the straight and narrow once Dean is okay, insisting that they can't kill people. *dreamy sigh*
On top of that, all the themes of faith and salvation and this exchange with Roy:
DEAN: Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?
ROY: Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart, and you just stood out from all the rest.
DEAN: What did you see in my heart?
ROY: A young man with an important purpose. A job to do. And it isn’t finished.
*dreamy sigh* So freaking brilliant from beginning to end. I think that was possibly the episode that secured my undying love. It was one of the first episodes I felt compelled to write a
coda for. SO MUCH LOVE!!!
*ahem* ANYWHO! Don't mind me, I'll just be over here fangirling all the things.