Happy Rex Manning Day!!

Sep 24, 2010 09:15

The time is nigh upon us! Show is returning! TONIGHT!! Let us prepare the sacrificial goats.

In case anyone was wondering, I am OMG SO MUCH EXCITE!! I've had a rather long, stressful week and I got up way too early this morning. I'm still kind of groggy and headachey, so my levels of excitement are a little muted right now. It suffices to say, as soon as I get over the "fire bad, tree pretty" portion of my morning, I'll probably be wholly unbearable to be around.

Everyone on the internet: *is glad they're not kadiel_krieger or dahlia_lis* (Um, because they will be the ones dealing with me IRL tonight, not because they're not awesome, you see...)

I have not had the time to do any sort of S6 manifesto, but my S5 one is pretty much still relevant. For general feelings on Show, I am this level of crazy.

tl;dr summary - I love SPN and everyone on it and I am, 99% of the time, Suzy Fucking Sunshine about it. This isn't to say I expect everyone else to feel this way, just sayin' that's what you'll find here. SPN is my super happy funtimes joy land (their manpain is like ambrosia!), so let's get this party started!

Alright, I need breakfast now.

rex manning day, show of my heart, spn

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