:::Igla remix:::

Sep 17, 2010 10:45

On Wednesday I had a bad mood & saw in one social network that a girl, a manager of one Russian rock band put a status: 'Tomorrow gonna to film premiere, who does want with us?'

And I wrote to her :)) If it was 2 years ago, I wouldn’t write, 'cos they're kinda famous:) but on Wed I didn’t care, had a bad mood, & so I wrote:)

So yesterday we met, this girl & her friends. They are interesting people, creative, but very simple, without any glamour:) Had a dinner, talked, discussed what we were expecting from a movie & went to a premiere.

In Russia there was a cult rock musician, who died in 1990 in a car accident, he was only 28 y.o. He stared in a pair of movies. And that premiere was a very original one - he stared there as if he was alive! All his movies were gathered, some unreleased movies too, some home films.

All that was brought together & real alive actors were set in these scenes.
And all the scenes were processed in the same way: the same colours, the same continuity. Like a real film. Incredible.

[Just a copy-past from a personal mail to one friend. Decided it'd be appropriate to insert it here too]

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