(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 09:52

things have been going good.
i started subway yesterday.
it was tough, i didnt know making sandwiches would be so confusing or difficult.
but im getting them down.
maybe they'll let me do register today.
i only work 5-7, two measley hours.
oh well.

this taks week has been so boringgg.
nothing but sitting around and watching tv with the br0z.
and every now and then doing something fun.
i had to be a grown up a couple of days ago.
all these chores and whatnot.
like getting my car insurance stuff done and getting my phone situated and other stuff like that.
ive been making lots of decisions lately.
i guess growing up was inevitable, i just thought i had more time.
oh well.

me and molly are doing okay.
we still lapse occasionally.
but i am trying to better myself for her, like im trying to stop looking at the negatives and stuff.
i just hope i can get it down and make her happy like i used to before its too late.
in the mean time, i enjoy our friendship, and i do still hope we end up together in the end.

ive been realizing stuff about myself.
like personal things, psychological things, just lots of stuff.
ive decided to become more healthy over the summer.
not just losing weight, but like exercising and eating right.
next time my mum goes grocery shopping, im going to tag a long and get stuff thats yummy and good for the body.
and even just good for the body, and ill start eating that until i like it.
i dont plan on being like 130 pounds or anything, just enough to where i can be healthy and live right.

umm, what else.
oh yeah, graduation is in about a month.
its really scary.
and prom is in a week.
not so scary, it should be fun.
this summer i lose one of my best friends in the world, pretty much.
and i lose tons of other friends.
i really dont want it to happen, i havent lost good friends since i was in junior high when alot of my old friends had to move because of military shit.
sad, really.
but we all have to do what we have to do.
im selfish, really, i should be happy for my friends moving away to get a better life.
so i will be.

well, thats about all i had to get off my chest.
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