This is really long!!

May 09, 2005 21:30

well i am back from D.C. and i took lots of pictures!! ((but its gonna take me a bit to get them on be on the look out for them)).. also the trip fucking rocked!! it was really really fun!! and now i am back to being bored as i did this extreamly long thingy! enjoy...

What name do you think of when you see each letter:

A: Amber
B: Betty
C: Carina
D: Dani
E: Erin and Erica
F: Flea
G: Gary
H: Heather
I: Isac
J: Jeff and Jillian
K: Kevin
L: Lyndsey
M: Mother
N: Nooney
O: Orlando
P: Penny
Q: Que ((marquevous))
R: Roza --i miss you!!
S: Shyla
T: Tiffany
U: no idea??
V: Valinda
W: Willie
X: no idea??
Y: Yovonda
Z: Zachary

1. Kissed your cousin: Heck No!
2. Ran away: yep
3. Pictured your crush naked: all the time!! haha j/k
4. Skipped school: yes
5. Broken someone's heart: i don't think so
6. Been in love: yes
7. Cried when someone died: yes :(
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yep
9. Broken a bone: no
10. Done something embarrassing: yes definitly
11. Lied: yes
12. Cried in school: umm..i'm not sure

13. Coke or Pepsi: Coke!! i hate Pepsi!
14. Sprite or 7UP: neither..i like mountain dew!
15. Girls or Guys: Guys!
16. Flowers or Candy: either is fine
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean
18. Blondes or Brunettes: what looks betteron that person
19. Tall or Short: taller then me
20. Pants or Shorts: both
21. Night or Day: night!!

22. What do you notice first: what ever stands out
23. Last Person You Slow Danced With: Ashley..up in Washington! ((but shes not the
24. Worst Question To Ask: How much do u weigh?

25. Showered: like 10 minutes ago
26. Stepped outside: when i first got home
27. Had Sex: i don't think so..

28. Romantic memory: depends on the person..
29. Your Good Luck Charm: my Red Bendle bracelet
30. Person You Hate Most: i never hate..but i do dislike very much..and i really dislike backstabbing trees
31. Best Thing That Has Happened: i don't have alot of great things happen but i would say having awesome bestfriends and an awesome boyfriend who i love very much!
32. On your desk: nothing..i'm in my bed with the laptop..
34. Picture on your desktop: Me and Dani in a Bestfriends

35. Color: orange
36. Movie: The Night at the Roxburry!!
37. Artist or band: right now i really love The Rocket Summer
38. Cars: long as its not a piece a shit
39. Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip!
40. Food: ice cream ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

41. Makes You Laugh The Most: definitly Danielle or Jillian..there both hilarious
42. Makes You Smile: Jeff
43. Can Make You Feel Better No Matter What: any of my close friends..including Jeff
44. Has A Crush On You: if its a crush its usualy a i donno
45. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: its not a crush anymore..
46. Who Has It Easier?: ....
47. Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Jeff makes me feel great

48. Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night: i don't think so
49. Save AIM Conversations: Heck yes!
50. Save E-mails: yeah
51. Forward Secret E-mails: nope
52. Wish You Were Someone Else: nope i am perfectly content with myself
53. Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex: maybe for a day just to see what its
54. Wear Cologne: nope..i definitly wear perfume
55. Kiss: yep!
56. Cuddle: yep! and i luv it!!
57. Go Online For Longer Than Eight Hours At A Time: prolly..i don't keep trac.

58. Fallen For Your Best Friend?: yeah..but it was a guy
59. Made Out With JUST A Friend?: maybe
60. Kissed Two People In The Same Day?: yes
61. Had Sex With Two Different People In The Same Day: absolutely not!
62. Been Rejected: i don't think so
63. Been In Love?: yes and its great
64. Been In Lust?: whats this?
65. Used Someone?: never
66. Been Used?: ???
67. Dumped Someone?: yes..and it always makes me feel sad.
68. Been Cheated On?: sucks
69. Been Kissed?: yes!
70. Done Something You Regret?: never

71. You Touched?: no idea
72. You Talked To?: Mother
73. You Hugged?: Jeff ((at school))
74. You Instant Messaged?: Seamore..A.K.A..Dani --hahaha!! lmao
75. You Kissed?: Jeffrey
76. You Yelled At?: Dani..for bein an idiot! haha J/k!
77. You Thought About?: Jeff
78. Who Text Messaged You?: no one
79. Who Broke Your Heart? Steno
80. Who Told You They Loved You?: my mother

81. Color Your Hair? Light brown..i think
82. Have Tattoos?: no..
83. Have Piercings?: ears
84. Have A boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
85. Own A Webcam?: no
86. Own A Thong?: yep
87. Ever Get Off The Darn Computer?: yes
88. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: what the hell is this???????
89. Habla espanol?: umm..if that says can you speak spanish..that would be a no b/c McKenna didn't teach me shit this year!!!!
90. Quack?: huh????

91. Stolen Anything?: yes..from Lyndsey's closet..haha Jillbert
92. Smoke?: never have never will
93. Schizophrenic?: hell no!
94. Obsessive?: noooo
95. Compulsive?: i'm not sure on the meaning of that word
96. Obsessive compulsive?: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
97. Panic?: yes i have before
98. Depressed?: kinda
99. talked to a bum?: scared the shit out of me!
100: stayed the night at the house of the opposite sex?:

Damn that shit took foreverrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! lol

leave me a comment if you read all of that!

<33 ERyn
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