Jan 07, 2006 05:03
There are some points in your life when you wonder what the hell people are smoking or drinking or doing, because it's just pretty fucked up. Whether it be questions, actions, statements or whatever it's just something that makes you want to take a step back and exmaine what it is that maybe got them to the point.
Sometimes that can be rather pointless, because it turns up that the person is pretty fucked up to begin with, but sometimes you just have to wonder. I mean just really wonder what the hell is going through the brain. Maybe it's just a misfired synapse, I know that I tend to have that happen from time to time. It just happens, but that's usually because my brain is on overdrive and I know I've made faux pas at times, but as the calls keep rolling in I have to wonder is this the best and brightest or has dumb luck just really helped most of these people out?
Wonder. Wonder. Wonder.
I know I shouldn't wonder, because I'll probably make my brain hurt and when my brain hurts I don't like it. I get moody and a moody me isn't a good me, it's very close to a bitchy me which is just impossible sometimes, but I'm staring at the phone wondering what's going to come through next. I want to say that it's just the alcohol, because clearly intoxication of some kind was involved here. Nine times out of ten the person on the otherside of the phone isn't going to remember or isn't going to care and I've been told by various parties that I shouldn't care. Yeah I know in one ear and out the other onto the next moment. Problem is that when it's all said and done I have to do it all over again.
Where is this going? Who the hell knows it's close to quarter after five in the morning I know I'm reaching that point where I just want to go home and forget it all, but in two days I march in and do it all over again. The dread is there. Dread not fear. I can take it. I mean given everything that's happened in my life I think I could probably take the someone running up to me and telling me the world's going to end depending on the day and the mood they're likely to get, "It's about damn time!" or "It's pretty damn late. Someone's slacking up there!"
What? I know we've all thought it once or twice. Still I know things in my life are changing and that change sometimes happens at a rapid pace or a leisurely pace, but it happens, so I'm just trying to empty my brain of all the things that seem to be bubbling up right now.
Which reminds me, speaking of the thought before last, what if God was just like the ultimate slacker. I'm not saying that the Almighty has given up on us, sure enough some of us have given up on Him, but what if He needed a little downtime and during that downtime everything just went to shit. That would explain a lot. Man is He in for surprise when He jumps back into captain's chair.
I mean seriously doesn't He need a break every now and then? I mean I still whole heartedly believe that He checks in with us and shakes His head while mumbling under His breath about how we fucked it up again. That's been a staple of mine since middle school.
(Shout out to God: You know it's me. I have insane thoughts at the time.)
I guess that kind of brings me back to my original thoughts about the people on the otherside of the phone. I guess I'm coming back to the pilot sit and when I hit the button to take the call I find out that they've fucked it up all over again. So what do I do? I roll up my sleeves and dive in and do what's needed, because it's my job and while it has it ups and downs it gives me quality time with the Presidents. (Washington, Lincoln, Jackson & Grant and if they're behaving Hamilton and Franklin.)