Dec 21, 2004 18:31
SOOOOOOO.....IM FINALLY HOME and this time for good.
I dont regret coming home in between my finals..its just that I didnt study or do anything, not that i think i could have done better on the econ was so hard..but now all i can do is sit back and see what happens.
I think im going to stay in tonight. I had the chance to go out to the movies and the diner with a bunch of people that I havent seen in along time and it would have been nice to see them, however, my day tomorrow is gunna be sooooo long. I have to work from 10 to 6 30. Then MARKY is coming to see me, hopefully he will be on time to pick me up from work..I miss him, even though its only been alittle over a week since the last time I saw him. Oh well, I cant help it, Ive become what I told myself I would never be...DEPENDENT! :(
Ok well its time to lay down now...long day
PS Im laurens hero of the day!! YAY FOR ME!