Jun 17, 2004 20:37
Hello everyone, once again Beth has not updated in like forever so it is my greatest pleasure and duty to bring you an update into our sad little lives. Although my life in particular is not so sad anymore and Beth’s never really was in the first place…but more on that later….. The reason for our lack of attention on this little journaly thing recently would probably be the nice little things the government like to call A2 levels. I’ve only got two left (though five hours in total goddammit) Beth has like a million so we have to feel sorry for her right now. Though I’m not doing the whole UCAS thing anymore, as we have come to learn, Beth is and so I would like to take this opportunity to wish her much luck and tell her that she is not only a great friend but also a great brainiac too! Right, that’s the obligatory slop over with I’ll get on with my exciting news. After how many months and years sitting on the shelf I have finally managed to bag myself a wonderful boyfriend. Bag perhaps isn’t the right word as he is pretty tall and thin and therefore would need a pretty tall and thin bag but you know what I mean, There is also a story behind us but its too long and complicated to go through here but suffice to say I’ve known him for bloody ages and we’ve both liked each other for quite a while though we both thought the other wasn’t interested when they actually were and it was particularly frustrating but now we’re all sorted and life is brill. Phew. Deep breath. He’s called Paul by the way. Hello Paul in case you’re reading this! I should also take this opportunity to apologise to all my friends for the trauma I have put you through these past couple of months regarding afore mentioned boy, sorry bout that. Oooh, more exciting news, I should probably let Beth tell you this herself but you know what I’m like, Beth’s mum got married again to a guy called Les. It was so sweet and romantic and I sang at the wedding. That does not mean that I just stood up and sang randomly, I you know, was asked by the bride and groom. That’s a thing, why is a groom called a groom? And following that train of thought (toot toot), coincidentally, why is the bride called the bride? Sorry, I have an English language exam on Thursday (yeah, I know, I should be revising but I can’t be arsed as usual) so random English thoughts keep popping into my head. I am also trying to work out if I have enough time to go into town and buy a top I saw there yesterday and get back to the metro to meet Paul at 3. Probably not. Why am I even writing this? This can’t be good. Anyway, before youa ll think I’ve gone completely mad I am going to wind this up. Oh, one more thing, I have recently acquired a taste for Innocent Smoothies….mmmm……and I entered a competition to win some and I did! Well, me and Paul did but yay us! Anyway, I have to go now…..