May 16, 2005 21:51
when i went downtown on friday i forgot to mention that i saw alan. i saw ivan but he obviously didn't love me enough to come say hi. oh well, at least i know i'm loved by someone in this damned world....
so, jonathan came and talked to me at lunch today. he was all "yeah, vanessa pretty much broke it off with me friday so she can go out with you. and i know that she was a lot more affectionate with you and she didn't want to be affectionate with me so i sorta figured. you know i guess it's best that she goes out with you because i'm moving in a month and i knew that all this would only end in disaster, but not like this." but then i told him that it's not over yet. lol. she said she doesn't want to be like a coward and break up with him over the phone. so when she comes back tomarrow (hopefully), she'll break up with him in person. she was supposed to be back from disneyland today, but i think she was too tired. i know i would be too if i stayed the whole weekend there. and without me! lol. jk. but seriously, i miss her so damn much. i mean, i want to ask her out (and i'm going to because i know she likes me and i seriously like her sooo feaking much) but i still want to be her best friend and have her spend the night and stuff. but i want to be with her. she said that i'm her first gf and she's my first official one too. but i don't want to do whatever she feels is uncomfortable. i really care for her. but i don't want to give her the impression that girls are just as bad as guys. i just hope she likes me the same way i like her. i mean, i know she'll go out with me because she told me that she totally likes me, but she's just gotta break up with him formally so i can ask her out formally. i've never asked anyone out before. lol. i'm nervous. i was gonna do it today but she didn't come to school. i can't wait to see her tomarrow!! omg...::so excited!::
and i didn't get a lot of sleep last night. i had two projects due today. i swear....they always think that we have no other homework...but we have a bunch of homework in every class! and i have still have to read! dammit!!! and i have a project due wednesday, and i have a test tomarrow of a book that i'm behind in least i'm actually reading it this time. i never used to read the books...but i have a bad grade in that class, and the book almost sounds interesting...if you look past all the stupid poetic charm.
i only got like 2 hours sleep last night and then i went to go take a nap at like 4 this afternoon and no one woke me up! i didn't wake up until after 9! but i guess i needed the sleep. i think i'll go take a bath. i NEED to shave my legs...i'm getting hairy. lol.