( twenty-four ) ♦ voice ( english ) + text

Jun 16, 2011 18:02

E- Doctorúr has been sent home, I think today or yesterday. I vas trapped- vell, he isn't home anymore.

I guess everyone who has left the city doesn't care, but… …At least, vhen you come home again, I vill keep his clinic open and try to be a doctor myself. Doctorúr vas very annoying, but also very kind to me, and gave to me a place to live. I don't vant his vork to go to vaste, so I vill learn medicine and about chips.

… Hé, öreg- Chinaúr, when you come back, vant to move in? I don't really want to live alone.

( öreg: 'old man.' Also why do so many words contain V she will learn that sound next I promise. Anyway, there's a delay and then: )

I vas going to say this tomorrow or the next day, but I don't really feel like it. So here, I vrote this so everyone can know vhat is happening.

there has been rain that burns, kills anything it touches and breaks through wood and glass and leaves marks in metal i have never seen anything like it. the air smells very bad and thick, but i do not feel sick. i was hurt by the rain and it left red burns on my skin.

there are dead monsters here in the streets. it's very quiet. the barn roof is with holes. it has stopped raining so i will try and fix it but i don't know how if it starts to rain again. i do not know where to find food or drink but i have a little stored. this city i do not know when it will be safe for everyone to return.

that is the news.

「kotomi ichinose, | video, + official plot, 「kresnik ahtreide, 「marco, | text

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