(no subject)

Feb 08, 2006 22:52

Wow, for once today didnt tottaly suck, i'm extremely surprised. Lets see, started off good when Ashley jumped on me huggin me, after not seeing her in like forever. Then got my rear axel in my s10, and its uhh.. fucking big as hell

Then after that went and chilled with Easy E and A-Dawg at the bean for a bit, then went and saw my besterest buddy EVER Taryn at work, god shes a dork, and insane. OH did i mention i havent hung out with her since like fuckin beofre she went to hawaii over chrismast? yeah shes a dorkass! but i must admit she deserves much <3

hmm i think thats all that was involved with my "good" day. ha not real entertaining eh?
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