Bye-bye Dynamis Lord!

Mar 01, 2007 23:04

Super excited and happy tonight! TheCrewDynamis took down Dynamis Lord with one fell swoop!

One word for it..

EPIC!!!! :D

I don't want to blabber on and on about what happened. We did encounter a couple problems up to DL, but looks lie we won in the end! I only got some pics from my weird angle off to the side, and got none of him dying, I think I was on too much of a shock and was screaming on vent lol.

35 Total People too... man o man did I have my doubts. Great job TCD! Only L Jadeshell dropped, but I am sure there will be plenty of mantles/rings in the coming months!

Now for the pics:

The Victory shot in front of the castle!

Again, great job TCD! BOOYEAH!

Night night for now, big weekend ahead of us too. I will keep you guys posted ;)
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