[...Irabu is rocking out to "
Fly! Gundam!" He is, honestly, completely aware that the Logos is recording him doing so. Pedo Bear and the middle one are dancing around and singing into various objects. The little one is sitting on the counter of a diner swinging his legs singing along quietly.
Did I mention he's in public?]
♪: Blaze! Blaze! Blaze! Gundam You! Dash out! Yet, if you blaze in anger at a stealthy look, attack the giant enemy! Attack! Attack! Strike with just anger! Gundam! Mobile Soldier Gundam Gundam!
[He fist pumps wildly and tries to get some of the other people in the restaurant to sing along with him. A waitress taps him on the shoulder and he stops abruptly. She throws the Logos at him and tells him to get the Hell out before she calls the police. He argues with her. She shoves him out the front door. "Fly! Gundam!" is still playing on endless loop.]
[When next you can see anything other than his hideous red tie with its multicolored bird chicks, He's back at the park. With ice cream. "Fly! Gundam!" is still playing.]
Overseer-chan, where is Mayumi?
[[ooc; hahaha sorry he's kind of obnoxious]]