Well, it's March, and spring is wafting along with L.A. growing green for a few weeks and my work slowing to a reasonable pace, and I figured it might be worth checking in with my Resolutions to see how I've been doing.
1) Learn to cook more Chinese vegitarian food. (Hmmm... made a few smoked tofu recipes, but all in all, not good. I still need to get a Chinese vegetarian cookbook. - 1/10).
2) Eat more Mackerel and small fish. (Haven't cooked meat at home since posting this minus a garnish of bacon for Mel's b-day. Not rank-able.)
3) Go to each of the 4 major Los Angeles art museums at least every two months: LACMA; MOCA; The Getty; and the Hammer. (I've done LACMA and the Getty each time their shows switched. 4/10)
4) Go to at least one gallery opening/closing per month. (Only been to one opening in two months. 5/10)
5) Watch more movies. (Went to see 2001 last weekend, if that's any indication, but still working. 6/10).
6) Jog twice a week at least... Three times would be better. (Doing okay at this one. 7/10)
7) Be okay with one simple meal a week. (Been quite good with saying "I'm stressed, let's do something easy." 9/10).
8) Drink more green tea (and a bit less booze). (Been quite good on this one too. Got a cup near me [of green tea, silly! And I've managed to cut down a few drinks at the bar etc. 7/10]
9) Listen to NPR's program
"Speaking of Faith" more often. (Passable - listen to a bit from their archives. 5/10)
10) Finally get a new camera. (I got a 50D. But I haven't finished upgrading all my software. 9/10)
11) Hit my mark of one blog entry per week. (As you can see, not so hot. 5/10).
12) Add an online catalog to my web site, and as a corollary, get a few on the mini-books I've been itching to do done. (Mini-book #1 on the way from Kinko's this moring. Online catalog... well, I'm flip flopping if I even want to have one... 6/10)
13) Be more frugal. (Too early to judge - after being effectively under/un-employed for 3-4 months last year, I'm still digging my way out.)
14) Practice my various "elevator speeches." (Doing good on this one. Not perfect, but I can explain what I want to about my art fairly concisely. 7/10)
15) Finally track down a bunch of the old 80's and early 90's occult anime movies and OVA's that I have a deep suspicion color my art aesthetic. (Low priority, and it shows. 1/10)
16) Let our friend Rand shoot the portrait of Mel & I that he's wanted to do for some time. (Do'h - forgot about this one... 1/10)
17) Finish presentation portfolios for the major projects I have in progress. (Workin' away in my studio picking and proofing. Even have a few of the SM Blues final prints in progress. Too bad money is too tight for this kind of big project... 7/10).
18) Visit Chinatown. (Not yet, but I did get out to another area of town I've wanted to see for some time - K-town. 2/10).
Well, as you can see, I've been sucking it up on my resolutions. Time to get to work!!!!!!!