Jul 05, 2008 23:21
That had to have been the craziest and most amazing shows i've ever been to!
I got to the line with Aiji, Gacky, Biri, and her mom at around 12am or 1 am yesterday and basically stayed awake all night holding the fort there was only about 6 people in line in front of us ( and holding for about 3 or 4 in total) but there was probbably no more than 20 of us all night. Me , gacky and biri stayed at the line . Gacky and biris mom went to the hotel. the night wasnt so bad it was acutallypretty warm didnt even need a jacket.. then again i didnt even sleep while iw as on the street
Anyways by 6 am i went back to the hotel( with Aiji and Biri) passed out and by noon i was back in line again. fully showered and Decora I have to admit heat+lack of sleep+ grudges = me in a bad mood. So during the middle of the day there was drama but then i decided to call it off since i mean this is LM.C after all.
so time passed I got merch ( or rather Aiji went to the convention to get me merch and stuff ) unfortunately those lm.c bandannas sold out buut i was able to get one LM.C glove, one LM.C t-shirt, aaand one LM.C poster ( that Aiji got me)
apparently i was one of the lucky ones who manged to get LM.C's autograph at AX ( i actually have to thank Emily and Francis for this. Em for hooking me up to Francis and Francis for getting it . ) I luff them soooo much right now
So yes as for the show itself. I forgot the Set list and the order, but I was sooo happy they did Marble-s . I started crying when it began playing. Though i would have thought for the Encore they would have played With Vampire. but instead they played Oh my Juliet and Boys and Girls a second time.
b-but they point is they played Marble-s my most favorite song ever and i started to cry because it sounded so wonderful.
oh so right XD;; sound. Really I couldnt hear much of Maya for being in the front stage, but then again i was right in front of Aiji and his godly guitar *melt* I actually did end up toughing him and his sweaty hands.... and his knee. well more of i was too again to go and grab his knee so my fingers just brushed it thenm pulled back scared to death... it seemed creepy. still it bothered me that one girl behind me who tried to grope his ass >_<; i mean jesus leave the man alone! i mean yes it i wanted too i could habd ran my hand down Aijis leg, but you know what? No. thats just f8cking creepy! I'm happy having my fingers just brush his sexy bony knee.
anyways since we're on the subject of Aiji... my god! That man is beautiful! He looks just like the pictures, its .. unreal hes so skinny too and so bouncy. He was smiling a lot i think he really enjoyed himself. I think he even smiled at me for a split second. I mean sure Pierrot would have been awesome but just to have Aiji less than a foot away from me made me forget everything and i've never been more content. Seeing his sweaty drippy face and those adorable smiles and those huge eyes of his O_O and his dimples!XDD;;;
Maya looked different though . He didnt have his 88 hair he has his regular visor hair and i dont know he looked..older? maybe it was a 5 o clock shadow or something but hes so friggin cute too XD and so silly XD <33
but yeah I did end up touching almost everyone.
I got Hiko's bass pick
I touched JayKay's hands ( he's so friggin adorable!! )
aand Maya Hi-fived me... i think * cant remember details* well i touched his hand
and I touched Aijis sweaty soft hands XD;;; and his wrist
and i was dancing with Denki-man XD so awesome.
seriously one of the best and craziest shows i've been to. The crowd sucked especially the ground behind us. damn bitches. i'll seriously elbow them in the factr nect time they punch biri in the face * cranky from lack of sleep*
ok well me gouing to bed now..or try to. My face is sunburned and i'm opretty sure i got a tan x_o;;;
nai nai * yaawn*
oh Biri i hope you're ok and thank you and your mom again for your hospitality * bows and snugg*