Can't forget the old el jay

Jun 07, 2009 17:05

Just signed up for classes for fall term. Gives me some hope for normalcy in the future.

The last two days have been somewhat melancholy for me- i blame the booze and perhaps the dismal weather which although stays temperate, hides that big glowing orb we never seem to see in Oregon. I think it's called... the sun...?

I have a plan. I just have to not fuck up. This time.

Something I've always been good at is letting myself down. I must learn to fail at failing. No more lazy mess.

I'm starting to get nervous about moving. Packing should go quickly, but first thing's first. I need to have a place lined up. Craigslist is depressing me with bloated rent and sketchy offers. What happened to living on the inner east side for under $400/mo? I've lived in plenty of dumps and refuse to relocate to BFE. I'm 27 years old and carless (for many good reasons), I would like a nice neighborhood with minimal crackheads and ease of transportation. AND i am talking about $400/mo for my share of a two bedroom just for clarification.

Goals this summer: Bike, Photoshop, Camera. Those are the purchase goals at least. I have many, many MANY more things to take care of that should probably take precidence over those. But yeah. Sanity craves activity and creativity.

Oh yeah. and one of the classes I'm taking this fall is drawing. oO.
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