Well, after rummaging through things I have purchased and used for a bit but have forgotten about I rediscovered my iPaq 3955. All in all a fun device but it was just too bulky to keep carrying around. So what should I do with this?
I know.. lets try and screw it up by loading linux on it! w00t
http://opie.handhelds.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/ Well, shit. Wouldn't you know my quest to turn this into a paperweight again actually failed and linux loaded successfully, and very easily I might add! Damn. So I have opie linux loaded on my ipaq now. Pretty cool features, built in shell with all the goodies. If only the ipaq 3955 had built in wireless it might be more fun. Oh well, if you have a spare iPaq or Axim (hint hint guys) you can load linux on it. Why? Just because! Probably going to be a new wardriving toy.
Linux on the pda is supposed to add 15-20% of battery time as compared to PocketPC, at least in the iPaq series. Why micro$oft??
Only downside to this on the iPaq is, "due to hardware design", linux is unable to read SD slots.