There's Not Much Left To Love

Sep 14, 2005 20:00

Work sucks! That’s about all I can say about that.

Not too much has been going on lately.

Ended up buying the Lost Season 1 DVD set. That show is awesome, I implore everyone to watch that show!

Today I got a gift in the mail from Joey... Not bad considering he’s 7 months old haha... But regardless, the gift kicks ass! “Masters Of The Universe” on DVD!! You all remember that? The incredibly cheesy, yet oh so cool, live action He-Man movie from 1987! Oh the joy I felt opening that package! Thanks Joey!

My niece had a birthday party last Saturday (the 10th) and apparently every kid in the neighbor stole all the pizza, soda, and candy from a piñata. And I guess in the process of getting said candy the little bastards damn near trampled my younger niece. Fucking ghetto trash kids. That’s what happens when you have no parental guidance.

Jenn and Joey are supposed to be coming over Friday. So that should be fun.

Might I say I don’t rightly like to be called a retard for trying to help someone. So a, now former friend, asked me to make her a picture so I did, exactly what she wanted. She didn't like it. So I said "That's all right, I tried." Then she wigged out calling me retarded and how I’m so stupid for not making this simple picture for her. What the fuck?! Last time I checked I went out of my way to help and that’s how I am thanked? Fuck that and fuck her!

I tried changing my livejournal layout but it looked like ass so I changed it back. The Karate Kid kicks ass anyway. Regardless of what so lame ass prick says.

I hate going to work.
I hate dealing with stupid customers.

I have a backache.
My desk is a mess.

I think I have listened to “The Passage” by Boy Hits Car a thousand times at least! Such an awesome album!

I’ve been in the mood to write a lot, lately. But when I try to write all I get is a blank mind which results in many blank pages. That sucks.

This entry was pointless.
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