Questioning my Existance for the good of mankind

Aug 23, 2003 01:00

I threw my life into turmoil today because I realized a startling fact: I could never, ever, write a song that equals "Africa" by Toto. If mere men are capable of making that song, than it gives me great hope that the evolution of mankind will one day make us as powerful as gods. I however am not able enough to commit such a herculian feat, therefore I am hindering mankind from reaching it's full potental

Other songs that are godlike: Take on Me by Ah-Ha, Roxanne-By the Police, and that song that's like " I like to move-it move-it! "

In other news I worked tonight after coming home from Maine for 2 days, during which I visited my good buddy Isaac, who spent 8 months in Japan recently studying abroad and left for Georgetown University in DC today. We went swimming at the beach with our friend Mike in three piece suits (mine was baby blue with a baby blue tie and a salmon colored shirt). As soon as we got on the beach 3 bikini-clad french girls asked us for a picture.The total pictures taken of us, to our knowledge, was 24 (22 for them because I was asked while they were off going to the bathroom). You'd think they'd never seen someone wearing a suit.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ to the internet savvy) while 3 piece suit swimming:
Q: "Why are you wearing a suit?"
A: "It never hurts to look as professional as possible
Q: "What are you professionals at?" (one drunk woman insisted it was stripping and asked us to show the goods)
A: "At living" AND "At looking professional"
Q: "Are you in a band?"
A: "No."
Q: "What's the special occasion?"
A: "It's Thursday"
Q: "Did you go to a wedding?"
A: "Yes we've been to weddings before."
and finally
Q: "Anything for attention, right?"
A: No response, quicken pace.

Oh yeah and John Mayer came into my work today and asked to use my pen.
My body is a wonderland. Fuck me.
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