[MEME: Player Info]

Nov 24, 2008 23:36

Stolen from breakanumber ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆


Me: Izzy (izuro)
I Play: Nishijou Takumi (ero_to_hero)
I Used to Play: No one! I am totally new ☆⌒(>。≪)


IRC: I'm not on too often, but I should be under Takumi. If I'm hanging around mainchat or something (generally I need to be dragged in though ahaha XD;;), I have various pings set, like Izzy, Takumi, Chaos;Head, etc. :)

Alternatives: E-mail is MaouHeika@gmail.com, and I don't mind being contacted that way! Though my apologies if I'm slow in replying-- also, private messages on LJ work, b-but same warning. I'm just all around pretty terrible with communication, b-but I'll do my best (;´ρ`)

Style: I... don't really know what this means ahaha |D;

Crit: Anytime, anywhere, any way! I have a post set up here which also has more info so \o/


Timezone/Scheduling: CST. As far as my schedule goes... It's so very erratic that I can't really say at the moment :'( It's gonna be getting even more hectic soon so i-idk :(

Playing Frequency: Right now, not so great, and in a couple months, it will probably be scarce. B-But, any time I do have time, I'm trying to tag somewhere so >:[!!;

Replying Speed: It depends! I try to be fast, but even when I'm devoting all my time to tagging-- ahhh, it can be difficult with Takumi xD;; It kind of hurts to type as him, too, b-because like... nervous fingers. Hahah, I can't describe it XD; Also sometimes he goes on long thinking tangents which hurt my fingers and my brain ( ̄へ ̄)

Thread Dropping: I-I really try not to, but sometimes I get pulled away and don't get a chance to go back for a while and then I feel awkward tagging when it's been so long :'( O-Or sometimes I'm just not sure how to respond and I'm like, constantly deathly afraid that Takumi is annoying people so fslhkkfjdl MOVING ONTO THE NEXT ONE--

Thread Pickup: SHOULD THIS BE A MATTER OF TAKUMI'S OR MY OWN PARANOIA, then do feel free to poke me and I'll be happy to pick up the thread again, should I have the time capacity to do it ;A;// ♥

Comfort Levels: I think I'm pretty easy-going with this... a-and uhhh, if the comfort level starts to get breached, well... the way I'd react is the way that Takumi would react? |D; S-So I don't think there should be any problems? (am I even answering these right orz)

Threading Permission: Unnecessary! Go for it! I'm excited to tag with absolutely everyone here, a-and it's actually more reassuring for me to be tagged first, s-so feel free XD;;


Frequency: P-Probably not very often XD;; I made his intro post, aaand I'll probably stick to tagging other posts until life is a little less busy at least. Also I'm trying to get more of a feel for the CFUD environment, because I am so very deathly afraid of ruining everyone's awesome :'(

Spontaneity: P-Probably none |D;

Postrape: Whenever I make posts anywhere, I try to make them on a day when I know I'll at least be around for a while, and have a decent amount of time the next day and hopefully the day after to pick up remaining tags. Although, it doesn't always work out perfectly, but-- I try! ;A;//

Time Before a Post is Abandoned: B-Basically, until life gets too overwhelming and I just don't have to time to finish the threads in a timely fashion :'(



AUs: Actually, I'm not entirely sure what this means in terms of CFUD, either, but ahhh, I-I think I'm okay with them? (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)

Betaing: I-I am a really sucky beta, unfortunately ;A; B-BUT, THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WON'T TRY ;A; I-I'm at least decent with helping with grammatical errors I-I think so-- so do feel free to hit me up, a-and I'll do my best ;A;// ♥

meme, personal info

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