Age: 17
Height: About 170cm
Weight: Probably a bit scrawny for a guy, whatever that means
Medical info: Well, the doctor says he doesn't have any sleep disorders... He has had psychiatric visits four years ago concerning a period of time when he stopped talking.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blue
Physical traits: He's really not very special, despite what anyone might tell him otherwise. :[ He has blue hair though. Some people might find that ~interesting~.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Well, whether you mention things to him or not, he'll probably find reason to freak out about it and invent a delusion of how you're insinuating more than you let on. Shogun and New Gen are quite the particular topics for him, but it's all right to mention them should you have reason to.
Abilities: I... don't know if they're spoilerish? Or if they'd be accessible at camp, but::
He's a Giga-lo-maniac, which means he has the power to convert delusions into reality. I'm pretty sure there's more that goes along with this as well, but when I last delved into it, my head started swimming, so I'LL UPDATE THIS AFTER I BEAT THE GAME.
Notes for the Psychics: Not too sure what kind of information to put here but... TAKUMI HAS THE WILDEST IMAGINATION. :D I'm not sure if psychics would be like, able to see his delusions or whatnot, but if so, then yeah. That's about the answer you're looking for. If it's a matter of looking into his past or his future... In his past, there was an incident in which he didn't get to go on a field trip and so he wished that no one in his class could go. The day it happened, that school bus he would have been riding on got into an accident. None of the kids were hurt fortunately, but the teacher was killed. The reason for this is explained in the above comment ♥
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Oh, yeah, sure. Pick on the otaku. :(
Maim/Murder/Death: Every now and again, Takumi thinks his life sucks so much and that he's so worthless that he might as well just die. But if you stick death in his face, he will very quickly change his mind. So... please no. :( Actually, you can maybe maim him. :( We can talk. :(
Cooking: what. I mean... He doesn't really... He lives off instant food, so if you made him cook, you might not want to eat it.
Kissing/Hugging/Etc?: Sure, go for it! Although he'll totally freak out and maybe question if it's actually happening-- no, he'll definitely question it, but do be careful because sometimes he'll let himself get carried away in exchange. :) Oh, but no guys, pls. :( Actually, that's just Takumi talking. The player gives permission ;p ... But he will REALLY freak out. :(