Sep 12, 2006 22:47
I went to the gym tonight for the first time since summer god, I haven't been this out of shape since I don't remember when. It's so pathetic. I'm going to have to remedy that since I was really pretty strong for a while last year when I was working out every day. There's a new class at the gym which I hope will help with that; it's called Combat Cardio. Which just sounds cool all by itself, but I guess it's kickboxing only instead it being mostly like dancing with some kicking, there's actual least, with punching bags and pads and stuff. It starts next week and I am so there.
Afterwards I went to the mall to get a dress for Gandalf's wedding. I'm already making a dress to wear, a bias-cut thingy made of awesome suede that I got for $2.47/yd at Walmart (win!). However, the more I work with it, the more I have this really overpowering feeling that "suede" and "bias" should never be used in the same sentence, so I wanted to get a backup dress in case it looks like crap. I found an awesome brown dress (brown is my version of black) for only $18. Win again!
So what do I do to finish off my triumphant night? I come home and play Final Fantasy X and CRY MY EYES OUT. Oh my god, I just got to Zanarkand and it's so freaking sad. I sat and watched while Dorian played through the game a few years ago, but I totally don't remember feeling this sad at that time. Maybe it's because I'm actually playing it myself now, I dunno. Either way, I just shut it off because I didn't feel emotionally ready to fight the next boss...that's so pathetic ;)