I am a fan of science fiction books, movies, and all that fuss about the universe and humans, extraterrestrial, evolution whatsoever. Then I remembered something that my English professor blurted out two years ago. She was talking about her son being enthusiastic with computers. She described how us, humans can slowly change into something that only our imagination can picture.
Our brain I believe is not yet fully developed. Insert your biology lectures in high school wherein teacher blah discussed about australopithecus africanus, robustus, homo sapiens, homo habilis, neanderthals, cro-magnons, homo erectus, and so on. It also combines with philosophy in which humans are said to be moving towards to reach the “perfect being”, the universal self that is brahman in Lonergan’s language.
So where am I heading you? As what my prof deliberated, what if the aliens that we are picturing are the same humans that have just evolved into something we are still not aware of? That those UFOs were time capsules used by human beings in the future? Or maybe.. we are now in the brink of the last evolution of man. Did that ever crossed your minds?
Almost everyone has a personal computer. Think about that. We only use our fingers and brains to operate this machine. We sit all day to surf and digest every information we get from cyberspace. We are eaten by our own technology. But hello? That’s progress we’re talking here. It’s perfectly natural, and if compared, it’s just like changing from nokia 3210 into P900 phone. [I’m sorry I really am not updated with cellular phones nowadays. I know, I should be but heck!]
Imagine. having brains bigger than our actual faces, possessing extended arms and fingers, stuffed belly and shortened legs due to inactivity. Let us visualize ourselves when this technology of ours grows. Without knowing it, we are already passing the borders of past and future worlds, and beginning to be those alien-like figures we once thought to be “alien”.