
Aug 22, 2009 22:54

Some of you may have already seen this, but it was on my friend's facebook page and I wanted to share it, because it is amazing:

"If you are indeed pro-life, then you should be stridently anti-war, because every war, including the kind the U.S. likes to wage, kills babies. You should support some form of universal health care plan, because lack of health care kills babies. If you believe that full legal personhood begins at conception, then you should oppose any kind of fertility treatments that may result in the disposal of blastocysts, no matter how many other blastocysts are eventually allowed to develop into legal persons. You should support comprehensive sex education that includes instruction and provision of appropriate contraceptive devices, because that will prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

You should do all of the above, because it isn’t like you are just a fucking hypocrite who wants to control women through their sexuality."

quotes, haha, abortion

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