Jul 23, 2007 11:15
I'm still thinking about this Totally Joe book. It's a YA novel and it has the coolest little thirteen year old boy. He's gay, that's just the way it is. The book isn't a catalogue of his harrowing coming out experience, it's a book that celebrates him. What a smart and courageous fictional character.
Man, this may be an odd thing to say, but I hope that when I have kids, if there's a gay kid floating up in pre-life Heaven and whoever decides what parent gets what kid is stuck for a place to send him or her, I hope they get sent to me.
There's so much drama out there and too many horrible parents (Dick Cheney, hellooooo) getting gay children. If the kid-deciding diety wants to give a gay boy or girl a cakewalk and super hip family, send them down to me. I'd love to have a geeky, diverse and totally nerdy family... because that's the best kind. And I'll be a lot nicer to artists than my family, even though both of the people in my family... are... artists. *brain explodes*
The one thing I don't want, never ever ever, is a popular child. Please don't send me the popular babies, I think I'll seriously beat them.
"No, for the last time, Abercrombie and Fitch is for pussies! PUSSIES!"
(insert concerned neighbor dialing child protective services)