1611 Disney's Bambi caps 1280 x 960

Aug 26, 2008 20:15

Worked until 7pm tonight and I need to catch a train tomorrow morning at 8am. I'm down in London for a meeting and won't get home till after 9pm. 8-10hrs on the train, ergh. And I've got a load of papers for work to read on the journey - joy. Dave, lucky bugger, has the rest of the week off, but he will be studying for his Open Uni course so it won ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

forthisreason August 27 2008, 05:39:03 UTC
That's why they call me Thumper!

I should have gotten this while it was on DVD before they "threw it back in the vault." One of my favorite movies. Maybe it's because my dad would have to pick up abandoned fawns for work and sometimes we would keep them over night. I loved playing around with fawns. Soooo playful.


dancingalpaca August 28 2008, 23:43:24 UTC
Thank youuu <33


hmms_gree September 16 2008, 11:44:14 UTC
Snagged. Thanks.


cozette_asahi November 30 2008, 01:32:41 UTC
Downloading, and your already in my resource post! Thanks!


270360 January 20 2009, 18:10:59 UTC
taking. thanks!


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