25 ye ole paper textures

Aug 15, 2008 09:19

Yesterday I reached the grand old age of 28 years old - 2 years till I'm 30!

I was thinking about what I was like at 18 years old last night. When I was 18 I started University, passed my driving test, got completely drunk for the very first time (throwing up all over my parent's hallway!) had my first full snog (I was a late developer) and everything was new and exciting and more than a little bit scary. I thought back then I'd be married with babies in 10 years...

10 years, 6 boyfriends, 5 homes, 4 jobs and 3 cities later I'm not married and thankfully have no babies! Life really doesn't turn out the way you expect - and thank god for that!

The last few days have been fab. My sis has been up and we spent the weekend vegging at the parents. On Tuesday I went to see Wall-E (awwwwwwwwww!!). On Wednesday we went to see Rich Hall, a show called Newsrevue, and a stand up show at midnight featuring Brendon Burns, Andrew Maxwell, Hans Teeuwen, Reginald D Hunter, David O'Doherty and Wendy Wason. I also went for dinner with a few of my best mates and I had a orange sorbet covered in candles and with a happy birthday sign hanging off it for dessert - sweet but embarrassing! Yesterday my sis and I vegged and watched supernatural etc, then my sis took Dave and I for a posh meal up the road from our flat - wasn't that nice of her!



Comments and credit are like belated B'day pressies

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