20 misty skies textures

Aug 07, 2008 18:56

We're gutted. The survey we had done on the flat we wanted to buy came back really bad and so after taking advice from the surveyer, our solicitor and our mortgage advisor we had to withdraw our offer. Bother! Bother! Bother!

Oh well.

Dave's playing in a classical concert tomorrow and we're going out to dinner with my family. Then on Sat I'm going ( Read more... )

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Comments 34

aerianya August 7 2008, 18:19:30 UTC
Thank you!


evenstar_1203 August 7 2008, 18:20:16 UTC
Snagging as usual, thank you! :D


hetairai August 7 2008, 18:37:37 UTC
Downloading, thanks!


absolute_enigma August 7 2008, 18:47:39 UTC
thank you :)


snnat17 August 7 2008, 19:10:50 UTC
these are pretty!
thanks so much for them
downloading :D


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