20 starburst textures

Aug 04, 2008 10:49

Twas a weekend of contradictions.

Dave's show premiered on Saturday which was hugely stressful. I was going to take pics for facebook and the website but ended up getting very annoyed with the Director who was extremely rude to me and so I left them to stew in their own juices. I hate rudeness. I don't believe stress is an excuse for being so dismissive of someone who is trying help. If he had turned to me and said, 'I'm sorry, can you wait a bit so we can clear the stage and then we can chat.', that would have been fine. But how he addressed me - a good friend - was just out of order and frankly lowered my opinion of the man. He has since apologised but I have decided I never want to be in a position where he is managing me as I do not believe it will be a rewarding experience. He has already alienated other key people and is just too hard to work with in any capacity. Frankly the show badly needs promoting and the photos could help, but I'm now busy until the 15th - so tough.

Sunday was much more relaxing. It was Nikki's hen night, and instead of having a big night out we spent the day at the spa (hmmmm, fab massage!) and then went to a lovely meal and a stand up comedy show. Twas a lovely day!



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