5 large textures

Jul 06, 2008 09:43

Our flat is gonna be used for the show all afternoon *sigh!* I'm going to hide out in the bedroom until it's all over. Dave did ask me if I wanted to be in the chorus but as it's my B'day during show week, my sis is visiting, and I would have to take every afternoon off work - I don't see it happening. However, to help out I did do their poster/ ( Read more... )

large textures

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Comments 36

reijamira July 6 2008, 08:57:00 UTC
Great textures! Snagging them with credit! Thanks!


crazedhappyness July 6 2008, 09:09:04 UTC
Taking them, will credit. Thanks!


atlantisgrrrl July 6 2008, 09:13:40 UTC
*snaggety snag* Thanks :)


_oluha_ July 6 2008, 09:16:08 UTC
taking, thank you! :D


worried_bubble July 6 2008, 09:48:40 UTC
Took them, thanks! Will credit.


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