2355 Disney's Lilo and Stitch caps 1280 x 720

May 18, 2008 20:47

Finally got round to doing more capping! Hurrah! I found the time during our lazy day yesterday before going to a party at Caroline's. There wasn't many people at the party but it was still good. It confirmed that my friends (and me!) have very dirty minds! Today Dave and I went to Ken and Lizzie's to watch more classic Dr Who and then I had some of my Amnesty International folks over for letter writing and to watch a 'Stop Violence Against Women' themed film. Twas good. We're now chillin and eating the tonnage of food that's left over...

Lilo and Stitch 1 (17.0Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 2 (20.6Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 3 (19.2Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 4 (18.3Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 5 (15.2Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 6 (19.4Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 7 (19.6Mb)
Lilo and Stitch 8 (17.1Mb)

4 Wee Samples (click for larger - but not full size - samples):

Comments and credit make me feel like I belong...

(Links to all previous caps are available in my resources)


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