Mullets were invented by satan!!!!

Mar 23, 2008 16:58

It was our flatwarming last night - 80s themed and it was fab! It's 4.45pm and Dave's fast asleep trying to recover and my stomach definitely had issues with the punch. God, the punch! It changed colour about 5 times and over the night contained tequila, peach schnapps, white wine, red wine, malabu, gin, champaigne, beer, vodka, amareto, cointreu, brandy, apple schnapps, and whisky! I was dressed as a character from Dallas and had the worst mullet ever seen (which Caroline gave me) my hair was solid with hairspray. We had singstar and generally had the most amazing time!

Dave as Indianna Jones and me as character from Dallas - check out the hair!!!

Some of our guests in a spirited attempt to get drunk(er)

My sis and Dave's sis


Ken is Ming the Merciless on his day off!

Drinking punch with my cocktail buddies
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