Before and after

Feb 26, 2008 09:18

 I'm stuck at home alone at the mo while I wait for the guy to turn up to change the gas meter. Actually I'm quite happy about it. The weekend was really busy - seeing my godmother Christine, seeing some friends from Uni, then at the flat with my dad and mum trying to get the computer fixed up (my wireless internet works, and so does my wireless printer!). Next weekend I'm in Dunfermline at a work conference. I'll be starting at 8am on the Saturday and won't get back till about 7.30pm on Sunday, but before that on Friday I'm compere at a Fairtrade Fashion Show. Ergh. It's so nice to be bumming around right now!

Anyway, if you read this thing regularly you'll know I recently moved in with my boyfriend - hence the long absence in January and half of February. To give you an idea of how much cleaning we had to do before the flat was liveable and I could get back online I took before and after pics of the living room:



That's alot of cleaning, and there were 5 other rooms to do as well!!!
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