25 'lines in green' textures + 4 Stardust icons

Dec 11, 2007 15:05

Yay! Back from London. Had a fab time but its great to be back. I missed Dave like mad! Happily I managed to get most my Xmas shopping done and had some fine times with the girls and my sis - going out, making (and drinking!) cocktails, ice-skating and seeing Dirty Dancing the musical. Anyway, here's some new textures after my week's absence...

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icon textures

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Comments 20

ghosts December 11 2007, 15:29:47 UTC
i really really like these!


lore_85 December 11 2007, 16:03:13 UTC
looks great.... saved me the texture...
and i love you stardust icons. gosh i LOOOOVE this movie. can't watch it enough


only_in_silence December 11 2007, 16:21:42 UTC
Your textures are always so lovely. <3 Thank you for sharing!


forthisreason December 11 2007, 16:49:41 UTC
Glad you had a good time!


tonimichelle25 December 11 2007, 19:19:46 UTC
Snagged the textures and I believe you area already in my resources. Thanks for sharing.


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