Social update

Oct 06, 2007 03:09

 I hope you'll bear with me, as I am fairly drunk, but i think this journal is gonna become more graphic/textures based from now on. Between work making me tired, wanting to spend time with Dave (OMG - yes, I do have a proper relationship, please don't pass out with shock), going out and frankly my lazy git tendancies, its getting harder to keep this journal updated.

If you have a sudden urge to keep in touch - I'm on Facebook and bebo under Erin Elvin, otherwise I will still be updating, just not as often as i  the past.

Love and kisses

Ernie xxx

EDT: I will be dressing up as Storm from the Xmen on Fri 19 Oct, as I will be trying to sleaze money out of old and young men alike in Edinburgh. Will try and get some pics on here at some point....

PS. 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K - you are a wonderful, wonderful tart - and I speak as a professional here!
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