Harry mania

Jul 25, 2007 08:14

My book 7 arrived by postie at 8.30am on Saturday and I was finished by about 8pm that day! I'm now reading it a second time.

I loved it! Although I've read some annoying official reviews which slate it - its a children's book you numpties! Not Shakespeare!

Mostly I loved it cus I'm a soppy git. I had been telling my sis for the last 3 years that Snape is in love with Lily and that was why he was helping Dumbledore and I was right! Yes! ;D

I also loved the fact that Ron sets out from the very beginning of the book to seduce Hermione, and thought JK did a good thing by killing off several of the characters. Not, of course, that it wasn't very tragic (Dobby! Fred! ;@ ), but it gave an element of reality (I know, reality in a fiction novel - stupid thing to write!), in that it showed that, ya kno, people do get killed in war. I thought it was a lot darker and alot better than the last two books. It was FAB!

And yes - I liked the Harry/Voldemort conclusion and liked the ending of the book. The prose may be simple and alot of the ideas are taken from other sources, but Harry Potter is a great yarn with a powerful theme and message and that's what I look for in a book.

To get us in the mood for the book on Friday night a bunch of us went to see the movie. Loved that too! A few people have said they didn't like it as much as the others, but I thought it did a great job cutting out the guff and that it was really exciting. Although I admit the Order of the Pheonix may be my least fave of the books so perhaps my expectations weren't as high...

In other news the flooding in England is in Tewkesbury!!! I worked there for around 18 months back in 2003 and believe me - that's the most exciting thing to happen there in a long time.  Not, however, as exciting as when those terrorists drove a van in Glasgow airport a while back and it turned out they lived in Houston, Renfrewshire! Houston's my home village and their house was just 5/10 mins walk from my parent's house - I used to walk home from school along that street. Dad said the place was lousy with press vans.

Finally, this Sunday, Dave and I will have been dating for 6 months. HOLY CRAP!! We're talking of going out for a meal and seeing the Simpsons Movie but if anyone has any ideas for ways we can celebrate they will be gratefully received. Keep them clean tho! This is an open LJ! ;D
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