Work things

Jul 18, 2007 19:39

Have I mentioned I'm looking for a new job...? I'm sure I haven't.

I was thinking about this today. Its not that I hate my job, its just that its so DULL. Honestly! Outside work I'm a perky person who talks and giggles too much. Then, as soon as I walk through the office door, its like someone's pulled the plug and my entire personality ends up in a puddle on the floor. Its stare at the computer screen and be a zombie time.

I think I've got to the point where its too much. I can't even hate the place as that would take too much effort! Jen and I were going to the pub after work and she met me at my desk. As we walked out the front door she just turned to me and said 'OMG! Your office is so depressing!'


Anyhoo. My facebook addiction continues. I now have a 'fluff' which I'm feeding and petting to become a great and powerful fluff - oh the fun ;D Plus I've uploaded loads of pics. Its great as so many on my friends are on it. The best thing is that Dave's got a new laptop and is getting addicted to online poker (and winning loads too - he's more than doubled his money) so he doesn't mind me mucking about on facebook - ah! Domestic bliss!
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