Neither here nor there

Jun 12, 2007 08:39

Aloha All!

I'm afraid I'm not 100% back yet - I have discovered that someone in my building has an unlocked Wi-Fi and I'm piggy backing so I'm gonna have to be careful how much I use the link - but at least I can update occasionally!

I can't do a long update just now, but I will later on this week as I have Thurs and Fri off to go to a friend's wedding. Speaking of which, I will leave you with some pics of the hen night.


Awwwwwww! The Hen and the Bridesmaid! The Hen is Louise in her gorgeous 'Bride to be' badge and Sarah is the Bridesmaid..

All the girls, drunk and in the mood for fun. I'm the one at the far left. Its the only decent pic of me the entire night!

Louise, Sarah, and Louise's brother's girlfriend Theresa.
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